Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Can exercise help a cold?

It's 12 noon and I'm feeling rotten…head hurts, stuffed up, pressure inside my ears. A head cold? Feeling kind of tired and blah, I debated whether to flop on the couch for a nap. But the sun is shining and I spent all day at my desk on Monday on my job search.  Perhaps there would be solace in a bike ride.

I quickly mapped out a route on ridewithgps.com, uploaded it to my Garmin Edge and kitted up. With 50 degree sunny weather, I needed only bib shorts and leg warmers and a base and long sleeve jersey.  I left the house around 12:45, with a nice little tailwind helping me. After the initial 20 min warmup, I started feeling OK.  The pounding head was gone, sinus passages cleared somewhat. I began ramping up the speed.  Unencumbered by heavy winter shoes and clothing, buoyed by the warmer, less dense air and enlightened by the sun I felt like I was riding in a dream.  I was. Between 10am and 2 pm out here in Hunterdon county (aka cow land) you can ride for miles and maybe see two cars. Wonderful!

So can cycling or moderate exercise help a cold? Absolutely, according to Dr. Edward Laskowski (Mayo Clinic). "Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a garden-variety cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion."  How true!   After an hour on the bike, I'd forgotten all about my earlier symptoms. They were gone.  Regular exercise can boost your immune system, release endorphins that will make you feel better and less "blah" and increase circulation to tissues.  Our bodies were designed to be in a state of motion and sitting at a desk for hours and hours is a completely unnatural act.

I bombed down Cherryville Hollow through the bare trees onto a sweet flat section in Hamden along the Raritan River.  A few miles away I'd pass through Clinton, a coffee boost and slice of pumpkin bread would make this trip even more worthwhile.

Sometimes, when you least think you can exercise, just go out there and do it. You might be surprised at the results.

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